Tuesday 25 February 2020

#EffjayMasak: Asam Pedas Ikan Merah for Beginner

Assalamualaikum and hi guys. so harini aku nak share cara cara nak masak asam pedas. asam pedas ni ada banyak jenis. Ada asam pedas melaka, johor, nyonya. and favourite aku is asam pedas yang tak terlalu pekat and tak terlalu cair. Isi dalam asam pedas ni pun boleh dipelbagaikan. boleh jadi asam pedas ayam, asam pedas daging atau ikan. jangan kau campur pulak semua sekali. ni bukan tomyam.
So ni cara masak asam pedas untuk level beginner macam aku dan kau. 

Bahan bahan:
1 ekor ikan merah - potong 4
1/2 senduk minyak masak - jika kurang boleh tambah
1 batang serai - ketuk
Daun kesum
2 sudu asam jawa - bancuh dengan air. airnya jangan banyak sangat.
Kacang bendi - secukupnya
Tomato - potong 4
6-7 sudu besar cili kisar

Bahan tumbuk atau kalau malas boleh blend:
3 ulas bawang merah - saiz besar
4 ulas bawang putih
1 ibu jari halia
1 inci kunyit hidup
Sedikit belacan - orang yang alah dengan belacan tak yah lah letak ye.

Cara cara:
1. Panaskan minyak dan masukkan serai dan bahan kisar. Kacau sehingga naik bau.
2. Masukkan cili kisar dan kacau hingga cili garing dan pecah minyak. Selalunya ni aku pakai api kecil and untuk elakkan percikan yang akan menyebabkan dapurmu kemerah-merahan, aku akan tutup lah periuk tu. tapi jangan pulak kau tutup selamanya. aku risau nanti kang bomba datang sebab dapur kau terbakar dek tumisan hangit.
3. Masukkan air asam jawa. Tambah air dalam 1 liter atau secukupnya. Kacau sehingga kuah mendidih, baru masukkan garam dan perasa.
4. Masukkan ikan dengan daun kesum. Jika suka, boleh masukkan juga bunga kantan. Kacau rata sehingga ikan masak.
5. Masukkan bendi dan akhir sekali, masukkan buah tomato. Sesuaikan rasa dan kepekatan kuah. Bolehlah tutup api dan sedia untuk dihidangkan.

Selamat Mencubaaaaaaaaa~

Tuesday 18 February 2020

#EffjayMasak: Masak Lemak Perut Lembu Simple

Assalamualaikum.. hi guys! 
Serius weh aku teringin gila nak makan masak lemak perut lembu. Dah macam preggy mommy pulak mengidam-mengidam ni. Jadi.. ayuh~

1 kilo perut lembu - direbus dahulu, ditoskan dan dihiris. Untuk perut ni, aku tak rebus sampai lembut sangat sebab tak sedap. Perut ni dia sedap kalau still ada rasa kenyal-kenyal lagi.
2 inci kunyit hidup - dikisar
7 biji cili api ( kalau suka pedas boleh tambah lagi) - dikisar
2 ulas bawang putih dikisar
2 batang serai diketuk
secawan santan
garam, perasa.
1 helai daun kunyit - carik-carik sikit

1. Sebelum bukak api tu... Masukkan bahan kisar bersama sedikit air dan santan ke dalam periuk.. then baru bukak api
2. masukkan serai dan daun kunyit ..masak sehingga sedikit mendidih..
3. masukkan perut lembu..kacau sehingga rata dan menggelegak..
4. Tambah garam dan perasa.
4. sedia dihidang....

Selamat Mencubaaa~

Saturday 15 February 2020

A Letter To My Heart Broken Self

Dear FJ,

I know that you are at your worst, and that is quite alright. The excuses are ample, and your protesting, angry brain seems to enjoy doling out the extra dose of abuse. But this has got to stop. Take a moment, close your eyes, and go inside. Push past the noise, look beyond the memories flashing behind your eyelids, and tell me what you see: what is the difference between endings and beginnings?

Crack open that cage, let the smoldering embers where your heart once shone at its brightest, fall through your fingers like loose sparkles of glitter. Yes, it feels like nothing is left. There’s no more light inside this dark, empty chest. It is OK my love. Leave the lights off for now. When you reach your darkest, you can no longer avoid the inevitable ray of light when it makes its first appearance. What’s more beautiful than the first flickers of light — the pop and crackle when the fire ignites, or the sky washed in reds and pinks as the Sun pierces through the velvety cloth of night?

Cycles dear one. This is the circle of life. No endings, no beginnings, just a constant dance. A slow crawl to the top and a fast descend as you swing to the bottom again. The magic happens in the moments in between. You’ll get there again. You won’t be here forever — just for now. Let’s enjoy the view from down below for a while. Looking upwards, at the vast expanse of possibilities, is a beautiful thing. Don’t ruin the view by worrying about how to get back up there. Yes, it’s a long way up, and yes, that’s bound to be a tough journey. But you’ve done it before. You’ll do it again. Maybe it’ll take longer, maybe not. Just you wait and see.

Please don’t shy away from your mistakes. Don’t shame your choices. Own them. Take responsibility. Learn. Grow. Try again. When it fails, stop and reset. When it succeeds, smile wider, tie your shoelace and keep on walking.

In the meantime, let the pain come. Let your tears wash you clean, over and over again. Feel bad, feel guilty, feel ashamed, feel regret, feel loss, feel failure, feel fear. Just keep feeling.

You cannot change anyone else’s mind. You can ask others for forgiveness, but you cannot expect or demand a response. The ache of causing someone else disappointment is paralyzing, but recognize this as a hidden strength. You are not a terrible person. You are only a person. You cannot, and you may not, change anyone else’s mind. All you can do is continue to trust in your intentions, however misguided they may sometimes become. You must remember what you are made of. Do not forget the extent of your capacity to love. Have faith in this, have faith in yourself. Let the others be. Let them grieve you in their own way, even if that way breaks you in half again and again.

Please remember that I love you. I’ll always love you, even when you don’t love me back. Even when you lie and cheat and steal. Even when you speak to me with nothing but hate and spite. Even when you fail to trust me. Even when your anger and fear make you uglier than you’ve ever been. I will love you just the same. I’ll never leave you. Not even when this life cycle ends. I’ll be the one following you. We are inextricable. You are never alone. You are always Loved.


Random Writing At 3 am

Assalamualaikum and Holla guys.
Actually aku sendiri pun tak tahu nak tulis apa since it just random that i remember my blog. (maybe its need my attention lollololol)

Sepatutnya time macam ni aku dah tidur but i don't know why aku rasa macam breakdown and i literally crying inside. i've thinking a lot of stuff and other people. okay aku tak tahu why should i think about other people. SMH.

yesterday (14th February) i just got my first semester's result. it was satisfying but tak tahu kenapa suddenly rasa kecewa. i keep thinking of what other people say at my back. and i really scared that apa yang aku dapat ni still tak dapat nak puaskan hati parents. because yep, that's what i'm doing right now. "puaskan-hati-semua-orang"

sometimes aku rasa aku terlalu cuba nak puaskan hati semua orang sampai its turned me into a "Yes Girl". i'm feeling depressed sebab tak sanggup nak say no to everyone. like if i say no, seisi dunia akan benci aku. I don't want that.

aku seboleh bolehnya nak buat orang selesa dengan aku. but sometimes orang salah sangka. ada yang kata aku just slutty bitch yang nak attention lelaki. i mean hello. aku bukan dick hunter.
doesn't mean i speak about sex openly tandanya aku ni fuck girl yang when all around fuck with random people.

thinking about this just makes me cry over and over again.
maybe i just stop my entry here.

sorry if i set some boundaries between our friendship. i rather be alone spending time with my boyfriend.