Sunday 24 March 2019


Assalamualaikum guys!

Makin hari makin malas aku nak jenguk blog aku ni. Tambah pulak aku sekarang tak buat apa apa. So tak ada cerita nak post.

But, since sekarang ni aku tak boleh tidur, makanya harini aku akan update satu entry. Hm.

Kita semua ada rahsia. Ada rahsia yang kawan-kawan tahu tapi ibu ayah tak tahu. Ada rahsia yang semua orang tak tahu, tapi kita sendiri sahaja yang tahu. So today, I’m gonna tell you a rahsia. Rahsia yang asalnya rahsia.. tapi bonda terchenta sudah tahu sebab aku yang kasi tahu.

1. Masa aku kecik.. around 5-7 years old.. perut aku tertusuk benda sampaikan berparut waktu aku pergi holiday dekat Taiping dengan makcik, pakcik, cousins. But nobody know yang parut tu wujud sebab aku tak sedar tempat aku meniarap tu ada paip air pancut yang tajam. Makcik pakcik aku ingat perut aku berparut sebab aku main gelongsor. -- I tell this truth to my mother lepas 13 tahun benda tu jadi.

2. Aku mudah baran tapi aku pendam.. Aku cerita dekat mak yang ada satu masa tu aku rasa annoyed gila dekat classmate aku. Tapi aku tak nak gaduh. So aku simbah cat kat meja dia. Hahahahahahaa.

3. Aku ada crush. Tapi aku tak bagi tahu pun mak aku. Dia tau sendiri.. naluri mak mak kot. Tapi dia tak cakap pun dia tau.. And mak positive gila weh. Like, everyday dia tanya ada tak IA message aku ke apa. Hm. Nampaknya dia dah jumpa bakal menantu favourite dia.

So ni je lah.. Ada banyak lagi tapi aku dah ngantuk lah pulak. So.... Bye. Hahaaha

Assalamualaikum.. Tak jawab dosa. Kalau jawab anda awesome. 💖

Tuesday 12 March 2019

I Miss You Sayang


I hate being apart from you, but our long distance love gives me something to look forward to each and every day. I keep counting down the moments until I get to feel your arms wrapped around me, until I get to fall asleep to the sound of your soft breathing, until I get to hear your laugh the second it leaves your lips instead of through the delay of the phone. I love you and I miss you — but the pain of not seeing you is worth it. You are worth it. I would wait a lifetime for you.
Not seeing you has been slowly driving me insane. I cannot wait until the day when we live together. When we will only have to separate for some hours at a time while we are both away at work. I keep feeling the phantom touch of your fingers slipping across my skin. I keep hearing the ghost of your voice, teasing me. Sometimes I turn and expect to see you right beside me and am disappointed when reality hits me. I hate being so far away from you.
I don’t want to wait until your birthday or our anniversary to remind you how much you mean to me. Hint: You mean everything. I know I don’t always say how I’m feeling because I have a nasty habit of keeping my heart guarded, but I hope you realize how much I care about you. I never thought it was possible to have this much love for someone, I never thought my heart could handle it. I know there are days when we argue, but you are the only person I would want to have those arguments with.
 I am never going to love you less. I am never going to want anybody else. I hope you know that. I’m in this for the long haul, sayang.
forever in love with I ❤💖