Thursday 24 May 2018

Happy Birthday Guruku!

Assalamualaikum! hi!

today is a special post sikit. tolak tepi bab aku tengah exam final sem 2.

Aku pun lupa aku ada cerita ke dekat blog ni yang aku currently rapat dengan sorang cikgu ni.
*dia bukan rapat as a lover cintancintun gitu. rapat like bro-sis kot.

So today is his birthday. so aku rasa macam aku hari ni nak cerita pasal dia. hek hek hek!

Okay, aku panggil dia cikgu mok sebab pipi dia chubby tahap mintak kena gigit.

cikgu mok ni around 25 above gitu (umur sebenar dirahsiakan) and have a good looking. orang kelantan. and dia cikgu baru dekat sekolah aku mengajar form 6.

dia masuk around bulan march 2017 cemtu based on my auntie says.
jadinya first time aku tengok dia time orientasi form 6.

lepas habis orientasi tu, jarang ah aku jumpa dia sebab tak ada kepentingan pun nak jumpa dia. lagipun i don't have any interest on him lagi lagi time tu aku tengah tak ada mood nak approach lelaki. Well.. I hurt too much hokeh. *acah lettew*

We started to have a long conversation on 30th September 2017, dekat majlis graduasi. He the one who make a first move. So time ni aku macam dah approachable so okay la hahahaha. So kebetulan masa tu aku demam and takde mood nak wandered around the hotel. So aku decide nak duk je dalam ballroom tu sambil have some black coffee. And tak sengaja ternampak dia alone dekat meja MPP. Aku pergi dekat dia (sebab ada farah tu yang berani.) and dapat la sembang panjang. We talked a lot about anything. He asked where i stay, and so on.. Sampai lah at one moment... Kitorang bertukar tukar twithandle. Dia follow aku, and aku follow dia. And everything ends.

I thought that bila dah habis magrad tu, cerita tu habis macam tu je. Like tak ada sambungan. But my thought is wrong. One day aku teringat my ex (you can refer my second post in 2013). Since my ex is kelantanese so i tweeted "Abe, i love you. Hiks." (i pinned this tweet on my twitter profile.)

And guess what. Gemok ni yang reply tweet aku. Eh dia bukan reply tapi dia share tweet tu dekat aku thru DM. Macam surprise ah jugak. Yela aku tak expect laaa dia yang respond. So we talked via DM pungpangpungpang and he gave me his phone number. Okay continue on whatsapp.

Day by day, i feel that we're gettin' closer. I feel comfortable with him. And oh.. He also contribute a lot on my studies.

And now, he such an annoying bro duh.. And aku seperti adik yang selalu dibuli. Hahahaha. Tapi benda tu macam always cheer me up and make my days 💕

So inilah cerita aku dan si gemuk debab comel tapi menyakitkan hati.
Bukan tentang kasih kekasih, tapi lebih kepada perasaan bro-sis.

Jadi harini, i would like to wish happy birthday to him.
May Allah bless him and his family. May he be a good and excellent teacher.
I wanna say thankyou for being such a good teacher to me.
And thank you for always cheer my cloudy days.
If you are my brother.. Then you are the best brother in the world. 💙

Allah selamatkan kamu, guruku.
ps: nanti kita bagi hadiah ye. 👔


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