Monday 27 October 2014 : you know malaysia is rojak when people happily eat stuff like

Available at selected mamaks
1. Sup gearbox. Made from the bone marrow of a cow, the name is given due to the resemblance of a car's gearbox. The soup is rich, flavourful and is usually served with a straw.

available throughout Malaysia

2. ABC. Malaysians love their dessert and often have difficulty choosing what to eat. So why not mix them into one? Kidney beans, corn, groundnuts, grass jelly, 'attap chee', gula melaka, sarsi syrup, red syrup...

you can custom order this at mamaks.
3. Milo cincau. Just imagine, a chocolate malt drink with the sweet goodness of grass jelly. Yum!

available in Penang and selected shop.
4. Sup torpedo. For the adventurous, this soup is special, made from a bull's reproductive system and is said to be an aphrodisiac.

you can custom order this.
5. Michael Jackson. What is a Michael Jackson? A reference to the hit song "Black and White", it's basically just grass jelly with soy bean.

available at home >_<
6. Maggi curry ayam + Milo. Who would have thought a favourite Malaysian drink would go so well with a favourite Malaysian meal!

Available in most roadside rojak stalls. goes well with cendol
7. Rojak. You can't have a rojak list without including rojak. Rojak literally means a mixture. A mixture of what? From the fruits, the vegetables, to the peanuts, and topped with the sauce. Anything!

Available in Restoran Bubur Goreng, Klang
8. Fried porridge. You're probably thinking, how can porridge be fried? It can and it tastes delicious!

Available at Chuup, Damansara Jaya
9. Durian coffee. What's better than an aromatic coffee? A more aromatic coffee. Now no one can blame you for not being Malaysian enough.

Available at mamaks or at home
10. Mee murtabak. This weird combination combines a typical mamak dish with noodles. The result? A noodle pancake that is sinful and tasty.

available at Cielo Dolci, Paradigm Mall.
11. Chocolate + cili padi ice cream. If there's one thing Malaysians love the most, it's their chilli. So much so that we would incorporate it in our ice cream. Would you try it?

Love how you can only get these 'rojak' combos in Malaysia?


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