Friday 30 May 2014

Essay : It's All About Nazmi Zaidi

Assalamualaikum.. Hi! Wahh Lamanya tak update blog ni! Sorry. Busy!  Well, baru-baru ni, aq hantar esei aq dekat cikgu yang namanya dirahsiakan. Ni sebenarnya untuk assignment (alaa esei pendek je pun). Aq pun mula-mula mati kutu jugak nak tulis pasal apa. Tajuk diberi 'FAMOUS PEOPLE'.. Cikgu tu kata kalau nak markah tinggi, jangan buat serupa dengan orang lain. Aq nak tulis pasal Matluthfi tapi ada hamba Allah ni dah tulis… aiseyh! Demi nak markah tinggi, aq pun reject la matluthfi.. Fikir punya fikir last-last aq pun tulis lah pasal Nazmi Zaidi, dia ni Viner. Kalau korang tak kenal dia, korang boleh search kat twitter @Nazmizaidi.  Tu lah dia. Kenapa aq boleh terfikir nak tulis pasal dia? Sebabnya budak2 kelas aq tak ramai yang kenal dia.. Bukan tak ramai, tapi memang takde kenal langsung. So mula2 aq fikir, dari mana aq nak dapat information pasal dia? Dia bukannya artis yang sekali search kat google je dah boleh dapat. Tiba-tiba aq teringat yang dia ni boleh tahan la peramahnya. First aq ingat aq nak tanya kat profile dia. Tapi cam.. Entah.. So aq pun ambik keputusan memberanikan diri tanya dia sendiri kat facebook. Well hati agak dup dap dup dap jugak. Yelah, bantainya dia tak reply, malu 10 tahun aq… tapi dia reply! So maknanya dia ni bukannya sombong. Aq tanya 13 soalan je. Actually banyak nak tanya. Tapi takpelah. Mintak sikit2 je lah.. Bila dah dapat information, aq pun mula lah mengarang cerita. Lepas berberapa hari lepas , aq dapat keputusan.. Aq agak sedih sebab markah esei aq tuh…. 36 dari 40 markah! Heheh! Paling tinggi weh.. Cikgu cakap maklumat yang aq bagi memang lengkap dan banyak. Adalah jugak dia tanya aq mana aq dapat information ni, hehe aq tak nak gi tau sebab cikgu aq ni agak bermulut laser.. Haha! Penggunaan tatabahasa pun not bad. Hehehe! By the way, thanks a lot! Syukran! Arigatoq! Nadreiii! Xie xie! Terima kasih banyak2 kat nazmi sebab sudi nak share pasal diri dia. Korang nak baca ke esei aq?? Hhmm nah.. This for you guys…. ;) sorry kalau banyak typo .. Sebab aq taip ni pun dah tersengguk-sengguk.. Ngantuk.

His name is Nazmi Arif bin Zaidi. Born on February 23, 1998 at Kajang Hospital . He is an entertainer through video on social networking site ' Vine' . Why I chose to write about him ? This is because the video uploaded by Nazmi very entertaining and made ​​me in stitches look - funny joke made ​​and I am very interested in him because I was so impressed that he studied in Egypt at a young age of 16 years. For me about himself , Nazmi is a non- arrogant and love to treat his fans and friends . Received his early education in Tadika Aisyah Seksyen 3, SK Jalan 4 and SMK Jalan 4 , Nazmi now studying at Darul Tahfiz Mahaad Rahim , Cairo , Egypt in the age of 16. Cheerful and friendly manner just makes him more approachable and comfortable friends. Son to Zaidi bin Mohd Zin and Hamidah bt Mohd Yusof also  love to eat Chinese fried rice and drink  tea o ice and take advantage of the colors red and green . Nazmi start early involvement in the ' Vine ' at the beginning of April this year, is to spend their time . The second of five siblings also make sports as a hobby and also enjoys soccer team Manchester United. Growing up with a sister and three young brother and sister , cheerful man who has a happy face  also adhere to the principle "biar diam berprinsip, jangan bising menjahil ". Although his name is now increasingly being touted by thousands of users of social sites , Nazmi never felt proud even more humble . Hopefully Nazmi always successful in his life and continuing to upload videos nature.

Hehe nampak je pendek. Tapi dalam kertas yang aq tulis tu, panjang yaa amat! Hehe! Ok lah. Dah bace? Sila komen pendapat anda oukey! Bye bye! Eh kejap. Meh aq letak sikit gambar dia.

**Bersama adiknya**


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